We have signed, we have edited, and it's coming soon!
We are pleased to announce that late last year that we signed with Wooden Pants Publishing to bring you our first novel Swaying. The whole process has been such a learning experience for all of us. What's funny is that no one ever warns you about this terrible terrible process called EDITING. For the longest time we thought the hardest part was going to be writing the story, and finding a publisher. Wrong! Editing was worse. Just when you thought you knew the story by heart, and caught every error you were told to fix, there was more. After numerous rounds of editing we are pleased to announce that we are in the home stretch and the anticipated release date for our novel is March 7th. We are looking forward to sharing this labor of love with you, and hope you will enjoy it as much as we enjoyed creating it. If you haven't already please like us on Facebook so you won't miss any of the updates and exciting announcements.